
Patient Testimonials

What do patients say about KOPT?

We take pride in delivering excellent client care. Below are some of the comments we've received from our satisfied patients:

"[Dr. Knapp] was glad that I had finally found somebody I 'clicked' with after going to so many [other physical therapists].  I agreed with him 100%.

Although I did feel like telling him that it had nothing to do with 'clicking...'  that it was to do with you paying attention to what I was doing at your place and you knowing what it was that I should be doing.  

But maybe that is what he meant and he did seem happy that I had finally found somebody that actually helped me!!  I just wish I had gone to you right after surgery."

-Gavin B.

"David has given me my life back. I am no longer in pain and have fully resumed my passions: biking and cross country skiing. I can't thank him enough."

-Pamela R.

"No doubt, like so many others who suffer from chronic back pain, I had tried just about every type of treatment from other physicians, therapists and practitioners to alleviate my suffering, without much success.  I began to accept my condition as just "a fact of life" and assumed I would simply have to live with the fact I would not be able to enjoy many of the activities I love, such as golf, and that pain and pain-killing medication would simpy be a part of my life.  

...  words cannot truly convey my sincere and tremendous gratitude for the care and treatment you devised to eliminate my excrutiating back pain.

I now wake up each morning without any discomfort whatsoever and partake in any physical activity I wish.  (For that matter, I am hitting the golf ball as well as I ever have!)  And quite frankly, the only reason I reached this point was solely due to you."

-Jon b.

"My daughter was born with a serious muscle condition of the legs. We saw many specialists and were advised to have her undergo surgery. To avoid surgery, we initiated physical therapy with David Pakozdi, PT, OCS. My daughter worked very hard in clinic and on her home exercise program [that David designed for her based on her pathology], and her leg issues resolved. I am delighted that my daughter was able to avoid surgery due to David's treatment; she has now resumed her regular activities. In the past year, she has participated in swimming, boogie boarding, and kickboxing and has been a member of the tennis, track and volleyball teams at school."

-Cherie l.

"I want to sincerely thank you for the excellent work that you have done with me.  About five years ago, I could barely walk, due to L4-5 problems.  Some doctors said that my problem would require surgery.  After taking all recommendations into account, I opted not to undergo surgery, but instead, try to rehab my severe injury.

Due to your excellent diagnosis and treatment program, I have regained full motion.  During the past four years, I have reached the Men's Open Doubles final twice, and the finals of the Men's World Open Double Paddle Tennis Championship. 

I cannot thank you enough for your excellent work.  There is a great deal of mediocrity in our society; it is a pleasure to work with someone who has your high standards and great passion"

-Kenny l.

"When my wife came home from KOPT sessions with smiles and rave reviews, I remained skeptically convinced that PT stood for Physical 'Torture', not 'Therapy'. Then, when her chronic back aches were solved, I filed away a 'maybe' for future reference.

Fast forward a couple of years to when my shoulder stopped working.  Our friend and Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Tom Knapp, joined the chorus and urged me to see David prior to the rotator cuff surgery he planned for me.  

David conducted a barrage of tests and motion studies and put me on a regimen of exercises that I could do prior to surgery, but more importantly, he took the time to explain what was broken, how it would be repaired and what we would need to do after the surgery to regain my strength and range of motion.

No one said it would be easy.  Quite to the contrary, I was universally warned about the pain and challenges of shoulder rehabilitation.  

Eight months later, my 68-year-old shoulder had returned to '99%' of its former self.  I went to KOPT twice a week religiously.  David plans his time so that there are never more than four patients and two therapists working at the same time, so there is constant personal attention.  The facility is filled with state-of-the-art equipment.  The staff is cheerful and David himself combines his expertise with humor and fun.  

I was also given a specific 'home program' that I could pursue in the gym where I work out.  My progress was monitored and the program adjusted to meet my progress.  

Having fixed my shoulder, we went to work on my back which is afflicted with stenosis, a form of arthritis in the discs.  David introduced me to a new program designed to strengthen my core and lower back, improve my posture and thereby reduce pain.  Even though I was not overweight at the outset, without dieting I lost weight and reduced my waist size.  Nothing cures arthritis, but the right physical therapy can mitigate the side effects and the KOPT therapy proved highly effective.... Thank you, David and team"

-Lew W.

Ten years ago I had, had a really serious back problem and was told that I needed a spinal fusion, but that I could try some physical therapy to delay the inevitable. I went to Kinetic Orthopaedic and David was confident that I could avoid the surgery. Since then I have walked in two marathons (LA and Chicago!), and birthed two babies (Charlie and Kate!). I was in my late forties for both of my pregnancies and I had no back issues at all throughout the pregnancies nor during the subsequent intense lugging involved in toting toddlers. Back problems are really common inn pregnancy at any age, and I sailed through both with no issues!

Last year, a year and a half after the birth of my second child, I did have one set back and I returned to KOPT and I am now pain free again! David is the best!

-Julie S.